January 26, 2018

I am Moana

Lydia didn't realize how cold it would be when she decided she wanted to be Moana for Halloween. Brrrrr. We had a cold week leading up to the big day and on the eve of the trunk or treat it was definitely chilly. 

Her costume came from Amazon. Her necklace came from a flea market. We did three french braids in her hair the night prior so it'd be nice and wavy and we sprayed some brown root type spray in her hair to make it darker. She even let me put on a little make up. 

Now lets use our imaginations and pretend were on the beach, with the ocean behind us, a nice sunset perhaps and Moana is wishing she could go out past the reef. 

New and darling friend Caroline joined us for the night. She was a great little pirate. 

Tyson and I went as this. Crying baby and Grumpy cat. Ha ha. 
We saw these at the store and couldn't stop laughing. 

Little Lillie was also dressed up as Moana for the Trunk or Treat. Lets take a closer look at her costume because yes my friends, that sucker is homemade. Her little Sister went at Hay Hay the Chicken. Why did we not not get a picture of Hay Hay. Or is it Hey Hey?

The primary kids about to head outside to get some candy. 

Now fast forward to Halloween night. We first attended a party at the Target parking lot, they were giving away candy and had a few games. 

This is how Lydia feels about Cake Walks. She played for 20 plus minutes and never got called. Same thing happened at her School Harvest festival. She doesn't like that it is all left to chance and no skill involved.

Chick Fil A fed us free dinner that night. We were sure grateful. Alabama loves them some Chick Fil A. The slogan "Eat more chicken" is even included at the end of the birthday song. Ha ha. 

Cotton candy and crimped hair. 

We trick or treated in our neighborhood with the Olsen family. 
Lorelai, Evan, Patrick and Reid. 

Our neighborhood was the hopping place to be. SO many kids, cars from all over came and so many of the homes were decorated top notch. It was a fun evening. 

The big candy dump. 

Lydia decided to go as Rey (from Star wars) as her school costume. It fit her a lot better this year.
Here is a peek from last year. Click here. 

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