October 31, 2016

Rey & Mikey

Lydia fell in love with Rey from the movie Star Wars the Force Awakens so it was a no brainer when I asked her what she wanted to be for Halloween. We had a lot of fun putting this costume together. We bought some of it on Amazon, then we found some sweet sandals and some tensor bandages for her arms. We used a bamboo stick as her weapon. She painted it brown and then I always love the hair and make up so easy and I think it made the costume complete. I dirtied up her face with some eye shadow. 

Lydia totally got into this roll for our yearly Halloween photo shoot. 

Johne let her borrow his light saber for a few shots. Nice! 

Johne on the other hand could NOT decide what to do. Silly kid. I don't think he has ever really dressed up for Halloween before now. We turned him into Mikey---the coolest Teenage Mutant  Ninja Turtle. 

And Rey and Mikey battled it out before the Ward Trunk or Treat. 

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