June 18, 2018

This and That Jan 2018

Time to play a little catch up. Or should I say a lot of catch up! I have been off the blog grid for a while now. Back in January Lydia helped me put together a bulletin board for Primary. 

We decorated our door too to fit the theme: I am a Child of God. 

Man, isn't she a cutie! 

Mom and Dad gave me a laminator and I pretty much laminate everything I can get my hands on now. It is so satisfying for some reason. 

Sarah didn't know about Chick Fil A Sauce and if you don't either, this is for you. You have to ask for it. They keep it hidden behind the counter. 

This much snow fell and got school canceled. Hilarious. But we love snow days! 

It melted an hour later. Can't complain about that. 

Lydia worked hard all year in her strings class at school. 

I tried my hand at making fresh spring rolls. My cutting skills need some work. But they sure tasted good. 

Peanut sauce and everything. 

Can't compare sunsets to Guam but this is what Alabama offers us from our back deck and its beautiful in its own way. 

Lydia asked for a bow for school picture day. I had to capture this moment...ha ha. Her style and taste as taken a big turn since we moved here and bows and anything too girl is out of the question. 

I couldn't help myself. 

I started working on this quilt. I have never hand quilted anything before now. I had intended it to be a gift but it wasn't quite perfect so instead I think I'll keep it, flaws and all. 

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