January 26, 2018

Snow Day in Birmingham

We heard rumor that it might snow, folks say it rarely snows in Birmingham so we were pretty skeptical. The old ward members have stories from the big snow storm of 1995 so it truly doesn't happen often. Ha ha. We were sure lucky to have it snow during our first winter here.....mostly for Lydia's sake who doesn't have too many childhood snow memories. 

She booked it outside and got to work playing and building this itty bitty snowman. 

It was a steady snowfall all morning long. 

Tyson went out to join her in his pajamas. I was feeling sick and achy. I didn't know I was pregnant at the time I thought I was just under the weather. 

Our born and raised island cat had never seen snow before and he was not a fan. 

School was canceled due to hazardous road conditions. The snow was not even sticking to the roads. 

And we could still see a little bit of grass poking through. 

These two had a ball. 

AL' 17 written in the snow. 

Catching snowflakes. 

I did go outside for a little while. 

The snow kept coming and coming. Lewis was so confused. 

Tyson and Lydia got to work on a snowman. 

Later on they told me that Tyson was pushing  the middle snowball up the hill and it was getting heavy and a nice older gentleman pulled over and offered to come and help him. I don't lie when I tell you that these Jesus lovin' Southerners are some of the friendliest people on the planet. 

I'm 5'8 and this snowman as bigger than me. 

He was in the perfect spot in the front yard and even when all the snow on the ground was melted he lasted for another 5 days without ever falling over. His creators were proud. 

1 comment:

Angela said...

Wow, I love the snow angels where the grass is showing through and the snowman they made was huge considering the amount of snow that fell. What a fun snow day.