January 24, 2018

Flying away from our Island

This was a hard day. Leaving Guam was not my favorite thing to do. Saying goodbye to our home, our neighborhood, our ward, our friends, the beach, the sand, the sunsets, our beloved islanders and my boy Johne hurt. It just hurt. Physically hurt. I don't know how else to describe it. 

We woke up early, early 3:30 a.m. to get to the airport by 4 a.m. We touched the caribou for good luck (tradition) and then we were on our way. 

I don't have any stories to tell and I like it that way. No delays. No canceled flights. No throwing up. 
All was well. 

Our luggage all made it. And we were greeted by Courtney, Nana and Granddad in the van with a DDP waiting for me. 

Tyson insisted we stop here to pick up and pay for the truck he had found for us. I was SOOOOO jet lagged and in no state of mind to make a big purchase, but I signed away, half asleep and then Dad drove our new beautiful truck home on the I-15. 

We made it to my parents.....we gave some hugs to everyone and then Lydia and I hit the sack. 

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