January 8, 2017

Trunk or Treat

The Primary was in charge of planning the Trunk or Treat.
Easy day. 

We had a great turnout of Trunks and the kids went home with a good amount of treats. 
(Alan & Johne)

Tara and April handing out candy. 


Sister Albert and Welsi Albert. 

Nolan and Bernard. 

Dora Albert. 

Joyce & Tyson. 

Tyson and Albert Albert. We sometimes call him Albert Squared.  

Sister Diamond had a super cool trunk. She was a minion and her trunk was Gru's mouth. Lydia thought it was fantastic. 

Murphy & Mayleen Ropon. Baby Stephen & Baby Stimpson. 

The fabulous four. 
Morgain, Mason, Claire & Lydia. 

Ashton & Avery. Weirdo 1 and Weirdo 2. I love their skirts. 

Toni & Loretta. 

Johne left the flew off island the  following morning to Hawaii. He said goodbye to most of our ward and then on our two minute drive home he was pretty sad.  We got home, the kids dumped out their candy, got ready for bed and then Tyson gave him a special priesthood blessing. After that we set up Skype on his tablet and practiced skyping with him. He felt a lot better knowing he'd be able to call us any time he had wifi. And then I tucked him in for one last time (at least last time in a while). After that I had a good cry. 

After the airport drop off I came home. Lydia went to school and Tyson went to work and man alive our house was quiet and I felt a little empty. I got my paints out and finished working on my Halloween sheet. I painted it on the floor in Johne's room and then would turn on his fan and let it dry bit by bit. Then I'd go back in and paint some more. It took me a day or two. It was a strange project, but one that I think I needed to help distract me from being sad and anxious about him leaving. 

I hung it up outside my house on Halloween night and hopefully I can use it for years to come. 

I think it turned out pretty cute. 

1 comment:

Angela said...

The Halloween sheet is super cute. You are a great artist. We all sure love Johnne. I haven't ever met him but feel like I have from your sweet posts.