November 1, 2016

Its Great to be Eight

Lydia's birthday landed on a Sunday this year. So on Saturday a few friends came over and she wanted to paint with them. They each created some beautiful art. After their art they made a music video to the Adele song, "Hello." 

While they were busy painting, Johne and I were in the kitchen making this masterpiece. Ha ha. 
Don't look too closely. I pride myself that my cakes always taste better than they look. They really do. I promise. 

I used barbies Little Sister this year and I thought a baptism dress was quite right for my 8 year old. 

Lydia was pleased with the result. 

We sang to her in primary and I brought some Rice Krispie treats for her class. 

The last time we were at Cost you Less, our ghetto Costco Lydia thought these would be a good idea to buy. I refused....because....look at them, they look so gross. But she wanted them. So Tyson bought them for her for her birthday and she was soooo excited until she tasted one. Ha ha. Yep, they were really gross. 

Johne likes them. He was the only one in our household. Ha ha. We ended up giving them away way we were going to let them eat all of those. 

Our Senior couple missionaries host a dinner once a month, a pot luck and we attended with about 15 other families. It was a lot of fun. 

And we ended the day just the four of us and her doll cake. 

A few things that I want to remember about Lydia, right now in this stage of her life: 

1. Lydia rarely asks for anything. She doesn't beg for pets like we did growing up....or the latest or greatest toy. She didn't even have any requests for her birthday. 

2. She gets car sick easily and its real. After about 20 minutes of driving she feels nauseous. She will throw up once on just every road trip. Its a good thing we can't go on road trips on Guam. 

3. Lydia can't go to sleep without her closet doors closed. 

4. She is very self motivated and wakes up and gets things done without being asked. 

5. She has a smile on her face about 99.9% of the time. She never seems to have a bad day and she always wakes up on the "right" side of the bed. 

6. Lydia has been constantly working on being able to do the splits and she can finally do them! 

7. When I asked her what she could like to do on her birthday she said, "Paint and go to black sand beach and collect some sand." 

8. She is grateful for every little thing given to her and she is very sentimental. #hoarder

9. She doesn't like being asked to take showers but when she is in she never wants to get out. She secretly loves them but won't admit it. She'd rather be playing. 

10. Lydia is deep thinker and sometimes I think she thinks too much. 

11. She could eat popcorn every day of the week. She loooooves it. 

I love this girl of mine. We sure are lucky to be her parents! 

1 comment:

Angela said...

I always love reading your posts. Lydia's birthday looks like it was a success and the cake is super cute. She sounds like the perfect daughter. You sure are a lucky mom, keep enjoying her.