September 18, 2016

Museum of Natural Curiosity

We spent the day in Spanish Fork with my best friend Hilary. I got to finally, finally meet her little girl Eliza, who I have sadly but gratefully watched her grow up on Instagram, not ideal, but I'll take what I can get. She was even cuter in person and man alive is she ever cute in photographs. It was a treat to see Owen again too. I have missed that boy. Hilary lives in the most darling house....I loved every square inch. 

She whisked us away to this museum at Thanksgiving point. We had Courtney with us and we met our college friend, Bridget and her three children. 

They had so many fun things to explore. 

Outside the kids all tried the zip line. 

The kids loved this floating head exhibit. 

This room was my favorite. It had lots of water activities. 

And check out this table. Its a water table that you can plop your baby in and they can play, play, play. Isn't this genius?!?

Her smile is the cutest!!! 

Lydia and Courtney rocked their boots. 

After they got soaking wet they both dried off in this wind machine. 

I loved catching up with these two. 

We played until the kids got hungry, ate some lunch and then played some more. It was such a fun day! 

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