September 6, 2016

Bear Lake 2016 Part 1 of 2

(School here on Guam has begun. Lydia and Johne are mostly happy to be back in school with new teachers, I am enjoying having a schedule and routine again. But before I get back to life here on Guam I need to document our oh so wonderful summer. )

When we arrived in Utah my parents whisked us up to Bear Lake that very night. We were tired and jet lagged and I was a bit sick with a sore throat but it was the best place to recover and get adjusted to the new time zone. 

Lydia got some one on one with time with Brooklyn and Heather before the Coles arrived. 

We celebrated Canada day in style. 

Lydia read Brooklyn lots of books. 

We hit the beach and went Jet Skiing. It was FREEZING! But so much fun. 

The beach was packed....a scene that we are not used to. 

The Coles finally arrived and the girls got to morph into Mermaids. 

For the 4th of July they set off fireworks right in front of our condo. 

It was a pretty perfect night. 

The rest of the time was spent at the park, 

playing in the grassy field, 

making a music video, 

chilling on the island, 

visiting with our Holt cousins, 

and some more swimming at the pool. 

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