January 24, 2018

Lagoon with Willie

When we made plans to go to Lagoon we knew we just had to invite Willie to join us. 
He had never been to an amusement park and I love seeing people experience things for the first time so it was fantastic. The very first ride we took him on was the Cannibal! Is that so mean? Yes, yes it was. But go big or go home right? It is the newest ride at the park and I had never done it either. Luckily.....he LOOOOVED it. 

I wanted to just hit all the big rides for him. But he was like a 5 year old in a candy shop and wanted to try everything. So we put him on every ride, big or small and gave him the full Lagoon experience. 

Lydia knows she can't handle rides that spin so she was going to sit this one out with her Momma. But she caved to peer pressure and Logan talked her into and she felt sick for the better part of the day. Poor girl, but she did learn a lesson. 

The lesson I learned is that I don't need the White Roller coaster in my life anymore. Were finished. I never need to go on that ride again. Ugh. Painful and uncomfortable. I must be getting old. Geesh. 

We took turns in Kiddie land with these two munchkins. I actually had a really fun time.

We hit up the water park. SOOO fun. 
Except for the bottom of the lazy river. Ouch. 

I sent Lydia to kiddie land while the big kids did ALL the spin rides. 

Now this cracked us up. None of of noticed until we got home and were looking through pictures. 

See the kid inbetween Mom and I. Ya. We have no clue who he is. He photo bombed us good. Ha ha. 

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