October 17, 2017


I don't think I have mentioned much about V on here before now. I wrote a lot about him in my personal journal, but I will share a snippet on here because this is where I document things pertaining to my whole family and man alive did this boy effect our entire family in more ways than one. 
He came to live with us when Johne was gone for surgery in Hawaii. The social workers said it would be short termed so we agreed and did this little dude ever rock our world and have our hearts. 

First of all he called everyone Mum. Mum. Mum. Over and over again you picked him up, gave him what he wanted or just acknowledged him. So cute at first. Who doesn't love being called Mum. He loved all the men at church. Caden Hunt was his kindred spirit, at every event where Caden was present V was all over him. I felt bad for a minute and enjoyed a break. Thanks Caden. 

Tyson disliked being called Mum after about 1 day but the name Dad never really took. Ha ha. We tried, believe me. 

A toddler at the beach, at dinner, in the car, running errands, nap times and oh at church was all new experience on Guam. It had been years since I had a toddler in my life. Errands were the hardest. He wouldn't walk at first and he was heavy! 

The beach was the best. It is every kids playground and he was always happy at the beach. Nobody was telling him what he could and couldn't do. He just got to have fun, get dirty and play! 

Ashton was baby sitter extraordinaire. We used a lot of baby sitters actually. I guess I needed lots of nights out. 

V's baby sister came to live with us for a while too. That was SOOO much fun.  Lydia was the best helper. I couldn't have done it without her. Our friends all went camping and there was no way I was taking two babes camping but we hung out with them for the day.  

We had V for Thanksgiving at the Lallatins and then Christmas at our home and New Years Eve at the Hunts. It was a fun time of the year. 

He took over Johne's room and this is how he slept, with a pillow over his head. What??? 
He was a great sleeper and napper. Always a good thing! 

Johne came home in January to his new roommate and matching t-shirts. I couldn't help myself. 

V was a tormentor to our cat Lewis. He got a few scratches and never seemed to learn his lesson. He loved rubbing his face right in  the cats face. Silly boy. Aunt Ali said if we put tape on the floor the cat would got and sit in the circle. Lewis didn't- but it worked for our two year old. Ha ha. 

V got read to ALL the time. He loved books and luckily I had some great readers to help me. 

He had A LOT of energy and chasing the roaming chickens in the neighborhood became a favorite past time. 

Walks to the park were more frequent too. 

We had plenty of dates to the beach. 

He thought the wheelchair was his new stroller. He didn't always like to walk, he always wanted to be carried or riding. Silly boy! He threw some pretty epic tantrums on our street, at church and some restaurants. 

The last two months he was with us he started screaming every time we would talk to each other, at meal time, in the car, on walks.....you name it, if we were talking he was screaming. He only could say a few words so I think that was frustrating for him. 

I loved how he lined up his little grapes. V was fairly picky but when we found some things he liked to eat he went to town. He loved his rice. Oh and I introduced him to Nutella. He thought that was the best thing ever. 

Isn't he the cutest though! 

He was with us for Valentines day.....not sure why I didn't get him in the shot. But he was there! Johne wasn't digging getting his picture taken. Don't remember why. Ha ha. 

I loved this day at the beach. It was just V, Tyson and I. 

The beach is everyone's happy place. It cured all the screaming, tantrums.....we should have just lived at the beach. Ha ha. I wish. 

The day that V went back to his home was rough. I prayed and prayed that it would be a good experience for him. His sister went first and then a few weeks later he joined. 

Mom's never seem to get in any pictures, unless we take them ourselves. And I'm the one that was with him day in and day out so I decided to take a few before we parted ways. I don't know what happened to the normal smiling ones. Ooops. Sorry about these. 

 I hope and pray that V is being loved and taken care. He will forever have a BIG piece of my heart. I loved being his Mum for the time he was with us. 

1 comment:

Angela said...

I sure you were the best foster mom out there. He was so lucky to live with you and your awesome family for a couple of months.