Own my own preschool
Read an Conference talk every day for one year
Visit Marie in France
Buy a Mac (with cash)
Grow a beautiful flower bed
Spend an entire day in the Temple
Volunteer in an orphanage
Tour the Auschwitz Concentration camp
Be fluent in another language
Adopt a child
Adopt a child
Watch a movie be filmed
Order food in a real French cafe (en francais)
Take a trip to Prince Edward Island
Eat at World Famous Restaurant
Visit the Neuschwunstein Castle
Ride a bike around Bear Lake
See the musical Wicked
Visit the Redwood National Park
Learn to play every well known hymn in the book
Write a children’s book
Take an art class
See Newsies the Musical
Host a Book of Mormon read-a-thon
Grow an over-sized pumpkin
Take a makeup class
Be an extra in an awesome movie
Take a cake decorating class
Take Tyson to Hawaii
Take a cake decorating class
Take Tyson to Hawaii
Win an awesome prize out of luck
Make pumpkin pie with a real pumpkin
Can my own food
Go Para-sailing
Jet Ski on the ocean
Make my own family recipe cook book
Become a lifelong collector of Children
Take a fishing trip to Alaska with
Make small kits for Homeless people
Go to Jerusalem
Live in a foreign country
Own a dog with Tyson
Take Tyson on a trip to Lake Powell
Visit Niagara Falls (Canadian side)
Help a refugee family
Help a refugee family
Attend an Olympic event
Have an avocado tree in my yard
Enter a photo contest and win
Learn a new word everyday
Host a puppy party
Hand quilt a bedspread
Take Lydia to a rock concert
Have a craft/project room of my very own
Learn how to make apple jelly
Attend a pro tennis match with Tyson
Turn my blog into a book
Take a ride in a hot air balloon
Be debt free
Write 365 thank you notes in one year
Pass down a family heirloom
Grow fruit trees in my yard
Be in the Hill Cummorah pageant with my family
Visit New York City
Visit New York City
Ride a horse on the beach
Visit Mount Rushmore
Spend the night in an Ice Hotel
Cut down a real Christmas tree in the mountains
Learn to play Edelweiss on the guitar
Stay in a 5 star hotel
Learn to play Edelweiss on the guitar
Write a Primary song
Go one year without something
Go on a church history Pioneer trek
Visit Harry Potter Land at Universal Studios
Take a bike ride through Rice Paddies
Sit on the front row of an NBA game (with
Read a book a week for an entire summer
Read a book a week for an entire summer
Drive a scooter in a foreign country
Prepare an entire Thanksgiving dinner by myself
Start a dinner club with friends
Prepare an entire Thanksgiving dinner by myself
Start a dinner club with friends
Start a mother/daughter book club
See Dolphins in the wild
Swim in Jelly Fish Lake
Plan an epic surprise party
Ride a camel
Solve a Rubiks Cube
Win a cook off or baking contest
Take a trip on a small boat
Go sailing
Visit Aunt Sharan in Guatemala
Travel all over Europe
Read all the Harry Potter books--- again
Plan a surprise vacation for Tyson
Leave a waiter a 100 dollar tip
Create my own recipe
Create my own recipe
Visit Anne Frank’s memorial in Holland
Attend an NFL game
Attend an NFL game
Swim in my own pool
Grow a pineapple
Make my own cheese
Pet a tiger
Take a trip to Washington D.C.
Serve a mission with Tyson
See the show Hamilton the Musical
Read 50 books in one years time
Attend a Carrie Underwood concert
Visit Angkorwat in Cambodia
Pet a baby Panda Bear
Pet a tiger
Own a bird bath
Visit sick children in Shriners hospital
Pay for somebody's groceries
1 comment:
What church magazine and what did you have published??
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