February 10, 2017

Little Man

We have a new Little Man in our life. He has 4 names and lots of nicknames and we call him all sorts of things. But little man seems to be what I refer to him on here. He came to live with us in November. (I am writing this in February.---He keeps me running all day every day.) 

He is TWO. 
Yep, 2. 
Two years old. 

I love two year olds. 
But he  is very, very two.
And he has had a tough life thus far. A very tough life. 

Loving him came quickly and easily for me. 

But he is a LOT of work on so many levels and I have never prayed so much in my life. But Heavenly help always comes when I need it in this fostering journey, and I have needed it every hour. It comes, it does and I am so thankful.  

He has grown so much in the time he's lived in our home.
He is still very TWO.

But we love him and more importantly I know that Heavenly Father loves him more than anyone and for that I am able to care for him and give him everything I can. 

1 comment:

Angela said...

I loved seeing all the pictures of Lydia with little man. I bet she is a great big sister to him. You are so sweet to take care of these foster kids and give them love, happiness, and fun new experiences.