September 13, 2016

Waterton Dam

The Ashes hosted a lovely Sunday meal for us and everyone came over for visits and dessert. We sang them our song from the Selman Reunion talent show. Brooklyn stole the show both times. 

The next morning Amy drove us to Waterton Dam. 

We spent the day relaxing, playing in the water, visiting, holding babies and eating yummy food. 

I love a good dock. Isn't there just something beautiful about photos on a dock?

Teenage boys. 

Go Logan. 

Jake's turn! 

Karate kid. 

Savannah Conrad. 

Little Joseph. 


Liam and Sterling. 

Heather & Brooklyn. 

Poor Katie got thrown into the lake more times than I can count. I saved her once. 

The water was freezing.

Jake & Mackenzie. 

Savannah & Logan.

Some more pictures on the dock. 

Woolf cousins youngest to oldest! 

We ended the day with another delicious meal made by Aunt Gayla and Aunt Peggy.


Lounging around watching the youngin's play. 

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